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For those complaining the romance is slow

Elisha March 22, 2015 4:08 am

For all of those who say the romance is slow I would like to point out it was obvious from the beginning it was going to be slow and also it has only been a little over a year since that whole thing happened with sho. Of course it was longer for us, but honestly the only good things in kyoko's life was meeting the fairy corn and her love for sho. Then her love for sho was stomped on and thrown out the window making most of her few happy memories bad ones. For anyone who can get over that in a year is amazing because I doubt I would. On top of that is you rush a relationship with ren then it will not last long because he is not really ren he is corn or kuon. In other worlds he is either going to date her as his charter or tell her, but he will tell her sooner or later which will tare down the only other good thing about her childhood, which will ruin kyoko. Which is why they are both sorting out there baggage right now and also why kyoko refused to be aware ren was corn when she say him. She is not an idiot she new she is just ignoring it. Ok sorry this is long, but I wanted get this off my chest. feel free to disagree and leave a comment n_n

    Emy March 25, 2015 9:47 pm

    You are so awsome!
    I agree

    littlerichi April 15, 2015 4:55 pm

    Totaly agree! I like how the romance isnt rushed and the story is detailed even if takes time so we can read it, Ren really loves her n is scard of his past same as Kyoko. (● ̄(エ) ̄●)