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wahhhhhhhhhhhh FELINGS ***** 1st - FINALLY NEW CHAPTERSSS!! >< I thought it would be...

SamuraiSx April 8, 2015 8:45 pm

wahhhhhhhhhhhh FELINGS *****
1st - FINALLY NEW CHAPTERSSS!! >< I thought it would be long hiatus :/ but oh yeah I wa wring! XD

2nd - waaaaaaaaa FINALLY those two made progress!!!
and yeah yeah Yashiro baka we saw you a aroused by Doumeki you can't hide it anymore XD

I love love love how Doumeki started recognizing his feelings and becoming more honest ith Yashiro :3
I just no want Yashiro demanding like crazy for Doumeki <333 *Q* wanna wanna!

mfg can't wait ne chapter !!!
and yeah I agree ith comment bellow this manga srsly NEEDS ANIME!!! from 2012 no normal yaoi OVA or anime T_T this would be a boomb seriously!
