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I like this manga but the only couple that has really captivated me is Shiro and Yonekuni,...

Lory April 24, 2015 4:24 am

I like this manga but the only couple that has really captivated me is Shiro and Yonekuni, it's a shame that there is almost nothing more of them.

    secret_x.X.x. May 12, 2015 10:16 am

    YESSS! Someone who feels the same as me!
    Their story is so sweet, I wish there were more chapters on their relationship and as they sort through the misunderstandings. It's cute but kind of sad how Shiro is insecure about what their relationship means and how Yonekuni is getting serious but feels Shiro is in love with the "other" side of him. It's especially beautiful when he worries over how Shiro never calls him "Yonekuni" instead of "Madarame".