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maybe it should have been a bit more realistic related to the time period i mean i doubt p...

rockmos June 27, 2015 5:24 am

maybe it should have been a bit more realistic related to the time period i mean i doubt people back then were comfortable with being homosexual a bit more dramatic lol idk whenever i read a historical yaoi i pray for this issue to be the main topic jaja but i guess not everyone likes drama

    mmm..... June 30, 2015 9:59 pm

    it said somewhere in the manga that it was made of the author's imagination, explaining the fact that it isn't realistic

    rain June 15, 2018 5:47 pm

    actually pre-modern Japan was surprisingly accepting of homosexuality and love between male samurais was common LOL they also believed that homosexual love was true love, so somehow this manga is more realistic than you think

    rain June 15, 2018 5:48 pm

    don’t believe it? read it here: