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So Sabo really did had amnesia... That explains why he hadn't appeared before. It must b...

Anonymous July 20, 2015 1:20 am

So Sabo really did had amnesia... That explains why he hadn't appeared before.

It must be very painful to remember your past, the fact that you have a family, two brothers, one of whom was also your best friend ... and then to discover that same brother of yours already died, and you no longer can do anything about it..., but you could have saved him if you remembered him on time... How sad, and how frustrating :(

    Anonymous July 20, 2015 1:25 am

    Oh, and: he couldn't be there to protect and help Luffy, either. As an older sister, that would have broke my heart and make me feel an unbearable guilt. Again: How sad :'(

    bakamono July 31, 2015 8:27 am

    shit. shit. shit. that must've suck.. to remember only after Ace's death. Why do you do this?? and what piss me off the most.. that they never reunited.. WHYWOuLD YOU EVEN?? sniff. Why sensei do you create such a wonderful but sad masterpiece. It breaks my heart.. and moves it.. sniff sniff