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Do you think down the line, asami will get tried or annoyed of saving akihito life or will...

Eye candy July 30, 2015 12:31 pm

Do you think down the line, asami will get tried or annoyed of saving akihito life or will sensei create his character where he is able to get himself out of trouble more than before? That will be a bid step up personally.

    Anonymous July 30, 2015 12:47 pm

    When that time comes, Asami will tie him up so he won't get any troubles anymore

    Eye candy July 30, 2015 1:39 pm
    When that time comes, Asami will tie him up so he won't get any troubles anymore @Anonymous

    But wouldn't that defeat the purpose of what he likes about aki if he do that? What I meant by that is asami like aki independent and his strive to beat the odd even when the chip are down. That mean he has to depend on asami and aki wouldn't like that a bit. Right