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I really like this sensei and most of his work but I dislike many thing about this one ......

lily_nuit August 9, 2015 10:02 pm

I really like this sensei and most of his work but I dislike many thing about this one .... even at the end I was so sure Masayuki was there to fulfill his promise and return the house ...

    Firefly October 12, 2015 7:03 pm

    Masayuki already returned the house, which was how Konomi's was able to live there so long until his dad sold out from under him for a parking lot. Neither Konomi or masayuki owned the house.

    lily_nuit October 13, 2015 12:23 am
    Masayuki already returned the house, which was how Konomi's was able to live there so long until his dad sold out from under him for a parking lot. Neither Konomi or masayuki owned the house. @Firefly

    hum you are probably right ... but I still feel sad about that :(