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Smooch smooch *kiss* *kiss* to my baby Hakuryuu and Sinbad. I love you two!!! Why the hell...

Madao August 14, 2015 6:28 am

Smooch smooch *kiss* *kiss* to my baby Hakuryuu and Sinbad. I love you two!!! Why the hell do people automatically hate villains in a story. A villain has his own reason and story too or else they won't be fighting that hard. Having said that, I have always love the villains more so than hypocritical protagonists who always pretend to be fucking good and forgiving all the times. I mean those hypocrite protagonist would even forgive a rapist who brutally raped and killed their loved one....what a hypocrite. Thus, I prefer villains like Hakuryuu, Judal, and Sinbad. What's wrong with being evil to fight a greater evil? Love Love Love to all my babies Hakuryuu, Judal, and Sinbad.

    Anonymous August 14, 2015 9:57 am

    ... I like Judal because he's like that from the very beginning but I just HATE Sinbad and Hakuryu is.... Well I like him more and more cause my hope grew up when I saw him after losing Judal but... If killing a friend is what you call fight hard for a goal... Then you don't have many friends.... We see that Hakuryu clearly saw in Ali Baba a friend... But still... And Ali Baba the "main chara" isn't that forgivable. He held grudge against some people too. He's quite normal and that's what I love about him. He has humans reactions (compared to Sinbad)... Peope called him a crybaby and all but to lose your best friend... Even like brother... And find later on... Yeah he can do mistakes such as taking the wrong "goal to reach" wrong "part". But Sinbad ? No... Sinbad the great Sinbad the just. Sinbad is THE king Sinbad can never do anything wrong. Sinbad is a liar.

    sinbadass August 15, 2015 2:10 pm

    aren't you the hypocrite one...the way you explain how a protagonist forgive is out of the story...please relate it to the story...if you can't... then in reality you are a bad judge of characters...

    Rem August 30, 2015 5:02 pm

    Sinbad would fit that description, because he is overall a very forgiving character despite being portrayed as the "villain" right now. So it makes your statement kind of hypocritical.. lmao at the irony. I don't know a lot of good protagonists that would forgive a villain for raping and then killing their family, either. Scenarios that revolve around a protagonist's family being killed usually follows a plot of the protag literally trying to hunt down the killer and exact revenge. Idk where you've been getting your protagonists from, because it's rare I've seen a protag be *that* forgiving.

    & not everyone automatically hates a villain. I ADORE Judal, and he's a villain. I'm prone to liking villains because I usually love characters that have very psychotic and malicious intent (makes for an interesting character, imo). But in contrast I also love the protags here in Magi (and the protagonists in other series are usually likeable), despite their very opposite nature. You're assuming everyone can only like one type of character personality and that's very shallow of you. ¯_(ツ)_/¯