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Giakou August 20, 2015 7:39 pm

I didn't like Sakura one bit. She was so annoying and always cried and never did a thing in the fights. And in the beginning she was so mean to Naruto and was only cheering Sasuke on.
I gave this manga 4/5 but would have given it 5/5 if it wasn't for her.

    Anonymous August 24, 2015 6:02 pm

    Would you shut it about bitching sakura ? It's not as if she chose to be like that the mangaka chose for her besides there are many others like her but since she's in the outstanding group she was noticed more and no one actually trained her like the others bwfore tsunade came so she became rather stronger aftrr that and she's not worthless she may have been too much of an annoying girl to naruto at the beginning but that also changed so do not be like that towards her she is a rather better main character than many others

    Giakou August 25, 2015 7:52 pm

    "And in the beginning she was so mean to Naruto and was only cheering Sasuke on." <-Read what I'm writing before bitching about it.
    And in the end she did almost nothing even though she was stronger than in the beginning. Even the sensei said in the beginning when they did the bell-test that she had the chance to help Naruto but instead she just went looking for Sasuke. And in every fight she only cried and did nothing when Sasuke and Naruto were fighting.
    I have the right to say what I think about the characters and noone is forcing you to read it or reply so sh*t the f*ck up instead of telling me to do so!!!

    KITTYHERLYN23 August 25, 2015 8:05 pm
    "And in the beginning she was so mean to Naruto and was only cheering Sasuke on." <-Read what I'm writing before bitching about it. And in the end she did almost nothing even though she was stronger than in ... Giakou

    i agree with you(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Yuji August 30, 2015 6:30 am
    "And in the beginning she was so mean to Naruto and was only cheering Sasuke on." <-Read what I'm writing before bitching about it. And in the end she did almost nothing even though she was stronger than in ... Giakou

    i agree with you too Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) srry im adding oil to the fire i suppose. But also it really hurt when she was OUT OF RANDOM confessed to naruto. It just gave me a dumb down on Sakura's personality and does she take naruto's feelings as a joke?! Naruto doesn't want some half-ass love. But Sakura did her best to stand up as equals to Sasuke and Naruto

    Anonymous September 7, 2015 7:58 pm

    I think Sakura is annoying, but she's also a strong woman (physicaly and mentaly stronger than most), from my point of view.
    I also believe her being a doctor (and Tsunade's disciple) has a lot of merit.
    Plus, she has always been in love with Sasuke, and continue to love him until the very end, even when he became a monster consumed by vengeance, and that means Sakura is, at least, very loyal and devoted.(As much or even more than Hinata with Naruto, considering Naruto became everytime a better man, unlike Uchiha)
    So, Sakura is rude and can have an unpleasant personality, but she's not a bad person.