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Hey guys~ I love Tokyo Ghoul more than I anticipated. This is the first time I want to buy...

questions August 22, 2015 1:15 am

Hey guys~ I love Tokyo Ghoul more than I anticipated. This is the first time I want to buy all things that are related to a specific manga/anime. Cry(or feel) every time someone mentions it. For me, Tokyo Ghoul is beautiful. It left so much on me. It made its way on the deepest part of my heart. I had loved it from the very start until the end.

But the people whom I recommended this, didn't like it that much. Tokyo Ghoul is my pride and joy. I love to share it with people but now that people say it's overrated and trash. I feel sad.

So, what are your reasons why you love Tokyo Ghoul?

    Amaterasu August 26, 2015 1:10 am

    I love the effort the author put into the story. I wish they could have clarified the last events a little better, and I wish there could have been a happy ending, but I don't at all regret reading the story. A change of pace is cool, compared to reading shojou most of the time. I especially admire how amazing the author expressed the psycotic moments and how well he depicted gorry scenes. The art was amazing! I'm just hoping I don't have any nightmares!! XD (Just kidding!)
    Overall, I would reccomend this story if you're into gore or just looking for a change of pace. I've read scarrier stuff, so this is great for beginners!

    questions September 26, 2015 4:12 am
    I love the effort the author put into the story. I wish they could have clarified the last events a little better, and I wish there could have been a happy ending, but I don't at all regret reading the story. A... Amaterasu

    Hey~ I'm sorry for the late reply~ Things happened ┗( T﹏T )┛
    Thank you for the appreciation for the author~
    Making psychological tragedy are really hard to make and RISKY.

    The thing that I love the most about Tokyo Ghoul is its characters.
    All characters have their own reason. EVEN JASON. I love that arc so much.
    Their development is top notch. It's really beautiful ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Amaterasu September 27, 2015 3:18 am
    Hey~ I'm sorry for the late reply~ Things happened ┗( T﹏T )┛Thank you for the appreciation for the author~Making psychological tragedy are really hard to make and RISKY.The thing that I love the most ab... @questions

    I totally agree!!! :D

    question October 10, 2015 11:53 am
    I totally agree!!! :D Amaterasu

    (and well, I don't know if I'm right but for me some are just really unpredictable in its own way. Ishida-sensei love foreshadowing. But remember how Amon didn't kill Kaneki because he thinks that he can be a bridge for the human and ghoul. Well, that really didn't go as planned. He got tortured and killed his human self to become stronger. He became a threat to both humans and ghouls. We did not see him became a bridge that sudden.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but in :Re, he kind of became a foundation. Because of what the CCG and Arima decided, he becomes the bridge again, kind of... more in the human side but back to being a bridge.

    We are seeing a bridge slowly being made. And that is another reason why I love this series. But, that's just my point of view. Free to tell me your opinion. :) And please do correct me if I got some point wrong.)