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god that bitch makes me so damn angry she's so unreasonable for a smart person oh you were...

Fujoshi32 August 24, 2015 10:37 pm

god that bitch makes me so damn angry she's so unreasonable for a smart person oh you were traumatized by a relationship bo ho ho suck it!! and move on .. and she's angry at kyoko for following sho to Tokyo bitch please the only reason she got attached to that asshole is because you traumatized your own kid by leaving WTF (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Anonymous August 25, 2015 12:28 am

    Agreed. She hates the very thing she created. Kyoko's a sweetheart for thanking her but her success is her own. She became who she is despite Saena and Sho's abuse not because of. They may care, have reasons, etc but it wont change the fact they created an emotional scar and failed her. At least she got her closure.