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Well you're all saying how happy you guys are that Alibaba will be revived. Yeah, I'm happ...

Anonymous October 6, 2015 4:33 pm

Well you're all saying how happy you guys are that Alibaba will be revived. Yeah, I'm happy too and it's all rainbows and butterflies but it will take them two years to arrive right? Technically Alibaba's dead, his body is dead. So, what of his body? Won't the others bury or burn it? Or maye it'll be all decayed to an ash something?
Makes me wonder...

    GrapeKiwi October 6, 2015 11:18 pm

    i was wondering about the decomposition of his body

    Kyouichi October 28, 2015 9:40 pm

    you remembered about the case of the magi Titus?? he died and only bones are left but he was able to retrieve his body..maybe it doesn't matter if your body is dead as long as your rukh that made up all the things and the great Ugo is their..well that's what i think though..