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this is a weird confession

geeluc October 13, 2015 4:52 am

But years ago I was that person that was hateful against gays. Well I wouldn't say I was hateful but I thought it was gross and unnatural. I think getting out of my sheltered life really helped me to open my eyes to different views. I'm not gay but now I don't think the same way as I used too. I wouldn't be against same sex marriage and it wouldn't bother me if someone I was close to came out. I really hate myself for thinking like I used too. And I couldn't even tell you when I changed my thoughts about it. I'm also not open about my opinions, I'm sure my friends that have known me for a long time would be surprised that my opinion has changed so much. I'm almost embarrassed to tell them I've changed my thoughts about it because I'm ashamed of how I used to be. Even more so because no one even knows that I spend most of my time reading yaoi. I just finished reading new York new York and it broke my heart when they struggled with coming out to the family and how eventually one of the mc was treated at work. I never want to be like that in my life. Reading stories where the mc family disowns him makes me so sad. I never want to be that person and I don't think anyone should have to go through anything like that. I really hate how I used to think. I know no one on here knows who I am or anything but I just really hate myself for that and I'm sorry. I just wanted to confess this.

    flies October 13, 2015 5:16 am

    Same here, I thought it was weird for same sex relationship and generally avoid getting involve in those..i was what ten? Literally the most ignorant kid...its because most of the kids are raised in an environment where heterosexual is a normal thing so seeing something "unusual" like same sex relationship throws them off. Though most will be curious, they wont hate it...unless they grew up in a place where people are constantly saying its a "sin, all gays are going to hell, blah blah" I remembered my friend said her mom said that "god say all gay are going to hell and they're gonna be fucked in the ass for an eternity" -.- I didnt jump her...cuz its not her fault cuz her mom was the one saying those bullshit lies but I did jump her for believing those bullshit lies lol I mean nothing wrong with believing what you want, just dont enforce it on other people (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    KyoZaNa✿ October 13, 2015 5:34 am
    Same here, I thought it was weird for same sex relationship and generally avoid getting involve in those..i was what ten? Literally the most ignorant kid...its because most of the kids are raised in an environm... flies

    -- Sorry for out of topic..--
    flies, pls look at the lil letter on the top right screen. You got mail few days before.

    flies October 13, 2015 5:57 am
    -- Sorry for out of topic..-- flies, pls look at the lil letter on the top right screen. You got mail few days before. KyoZaNa✿

    Ooohhh..., I thought the mail icon was an advertisement thing...sorry, I'm dumb..sometimes. But yay!! We've struck gold lol!! I've been waiting for years to see what happens next in the manga (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    k_brooks13 October 13, 2015 6:02 am

    You're taught what you're taught. If you manage to overcome years of being taught to think one way and form your own opinions you should keep in mind that there are millions of people who don't ever make that change. I was homophobic into my teens and it leaves me a bit ashamed. But years of having your thoughts influenced definitely takes its toll.

    nickname October 13, 2015 7:22 am

    keep your cool, me too, I tried my best to keep my cool even when my family said something like, "you are an abnormal child" :D

    it's just, maybe.. I was born with "being abnormal."

    I'm not going deny it, cause it's just their way of thinking about world.

    ahh,... my english.. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    geeluc October 13, 2015 2:16 pm

    Thanks for the responses. I'm glad its not just me.

    LevixEren October 13, 2015 3:24 pm

    Don't be ashamed. We made mistake. We just human. We tend to hate everything that different from us. As long as we respect each other and not discriminate just because people have different sexual preference. Just keep being good