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As much as i felt really heartbroken for the main character in the second story, i really ...

Rice Cake October 20, 2015 6:34 am

As much as i felt really heartbroken for the main character in the second story, i really do think megane san was having the marriage blues—other than the fact he told the mc hed stop the wedding if he asked, theres no other indication he had feelings for the mc and like the mc said, he might not have accepted the other's feelings even if the mc told him not to get married. And ditching the bride wouldve been a jerk move tbh.


    Oat November 1, 2015 4:02 pm

    Marrying a woman while in love with your best friend is also cruel to her.

    Rice Cake November 2, 2015 1:25 am
    Marrying a woman while in love with your best friend is also cruel to her. @Oat

    Idk, we dont know if he was in love with the main character or not, i mean he just asked him if he should go through with the wedding, he couldve just been wondering if he should get married or not. Oh well we dont know. Lets hope mc finds someone he loves soon. ;u;

    aerslevdi December 11, 2015 10:41 pm
    Idk, we dont know if he was in love with the main character or not, i mean he just asked him if he should go through with the wedding, he couldve just been wondering if he should get married or not. Oh well we ... Rice Cake

    But the way he put it... "If you ask me I'll stop" seems to implies other feelings. You wouldn't expect that from a friend. So in my opinion if he didn't feel the same then maybe he can somewhat(maybe subconsciously) feel what the other really feels about him and is just using him in his marriage blues thing. Which is a really cruel thing to do. Any of the two situations. Because even if he was asking just as a friend, there is a small shift of responsibilities. In the event the marriage goes wrong, he can get angry at the friend for not stopping him.

    Rice Cake December 12, 2015 12:43 am
    But the way he put it... "If you ask me I'll stop" seems to implies other feelings. You wouldn't expect that from a friend. So in my opinion if he didn't feel the same then maybe he can somewhat(maybe subconsci... aerslevdi

    Well I guess that is true. Though I wouldn't think a childhood friend who's gone through so much with you would actually blame you for not stopping them. Looking back, it does seem like Youhei values Kei friend a lot, and it might not just be platonically.

    For some reason or another he decided that he wouldn't get married just because he said so, but then he asked himself if he really was having the marriage blues, so if he did feel something for him or noticed that Kei had feelings for him, he must've had them subconsciously. It's a shame he doesn't realize it.

    But I wonder if Youhei remembers their marriage conversation when they were younger and what he thinks about it. He likely doesn't and that might be why he's feeling like Kei might disapprove? Because they had an unfulfilled promise? Haha so much analysis for one story, but I feel like people discuss the logic in stuff more when things are sad..