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Sorry but even i reed the updated chapter it seems like the story is not progressing!!! No...

Anonymous November 18, 2015 5:23 am

Sorry but even i reed the updated chapter it seems like the story is not progressing!!! Nothing is happening . Don't want to sound ungreatful but the hell with those few pages

    eworth November 18, 2015 12:34 pm

    There are a couple of really important things in this short chapter. Like the demon's altered form. Look how closely he now resembles his original form:

    And he still bears the "seal of contract" placed on his right wrist by Havi's old master, Halceles, which may be the key to breaking the curse.

    But notice that Rulca says "This tremendous amount of energy from Vald's body?" Because before, the energy came from somewhere outside of Vald's body but was channeled through it. So we know now that the demon is in full possession. Astador(Asterdol) has what he has always wanted. He just may not be able to control it.

    And then the final page, that close-up of Havi's' face and Halrein looking around, they sense that energy and will be able to find Vald/the demon. We're approaching the final battle.

    So I think this story is wrapping up and that may actually be the reason behind the short chapters. Sensei may have been contracted with Dear+ for a certain number of issues and the story is being chopped up to meet the contract. (Just a theory.)

    eworth November 18, 2015 1:30 pm
    There are a couple of really important things in this short chapter. Like the demon's altered form. Look how closely he now resembles his original form: eworth

    Oops. Not Dear+. Chara Selection. Was thinking of something else.