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RoyalPalace April 24, 2017 11:30 pm

I read this manga a week ago but I can't remember the title. It was under top 5 romance at some point. In which the main character attended high school or maybe college. And he friended this really popular guy that later on confessed to him. I remember the main character is able to see the red string that's tied on people's pink to bond love. While no one else can see it. I can't really remember well but in the second chapter or so the students go skiing, but those two end up falling off a cliff. They ended up being alright however they almost kissed. If this made an sense and recognize this manga please tell me if you can?

RoyalPalace April 3, 2017 8:55 pm

Does anyone know of any manga/manhwa based on kpop (doesn't have to be real kpop bands) or if not kpop I'll even except jpop?

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Hi i'm a huge fan of manga if you can't already tell. I read a lot of it and I didn't put down all the manga I read, but I put some of it. I'm continuing to read it until i'm sick of it. Hopefully that never happens.

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