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Takaba Akihito & Asami Ryuichi. I got plenty more, but they've been the most consistent of my fave ships throughout the years. Also Asami is hands down the sexiest mf.

2018-12-14 02:22 marked

Would love it if you could do Silver Paradox by SILVA and [Sera] Razoku no Hanayome (it's been left unfinished for quite some time and I'd love to know what's next!) Sentimental Rodeo, Ikemen Bouzu would be nice too (all by Silva) Thankkyouuuu! :D

2018-04-22 15:40 marked

Bwahahaha !!! It'll be a cold day in hell ! Not until they burn me to ashes and toss me to the wind ! (I hope they burn my manga with me !) LOL !

2018-03-27 23:21 marked

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