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One Night Only

Ongoing | Seowoo | 2019 released
2023-09-01 13:10 marked

Nice, refreshing read. Wish it had more chapters cause I still got so many questions left unanswered. It was good, a bit rushed, but still okay. Not much suspense or drama going on, tho it def had the potential to make it suspenseful. The art towards the end tho was just... meh. Overall, it was an okay read.

The Twin Siblings’ New Life

Ongoing | aidela,nicca | 2020 released
2023-09-01 12:50 marked

It was interesting at the beginning but then everything just went meh halfway through. Also didn't like that the focus of the story is all on the girl twin; it doesn't really do justice to the title, does it? And what's up with that ship? That's so disgusting. This doesn't deserve its current high rating.

Koi Kogare Utae

Complete | Miso | 2019 released
2022-12-31 01:28 marked

An Innocent Sin

Ongoing | Oh Gye | 2016 released
2022-11-29 01:03 marked

This was just... so sad and fcked up. I feel sorry for all of them, esp Noah. If you decide to read this, just know, it's going to be intense. Overall, it was a good story.

Bonus: contains a fair share of whump scenes! hehe

Kimi no Ahimoto de Ai wo shiru

Complete | Atono matsuri | 2019 released
2022-07-17 15:32 marked

The Rib of Adam (Jinmi)

Complete | jinmi | 2019 released
2022-02-15 05:10 marked

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