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Dracla January 27, 2017 12:32 am

Hey guys, i am so desperate. I've been looking for a yaoi since ages but i dont remember the name obviously nor the story too well.
It's about a chef( uke and older) working in a restaurant and the seme, also worker there and younger tells the uke that he's in love with him ( blabla). I remember that the uke was a smoker and wasnt sure about his relationship with the seme.

I hope it is enough. Thank you

Dracla November 13, 2016 8:26 pm

Hi guys, i dont post often but i am looking for a yaoi. I dont really remember the story but i'll give a try. It's about 2 friends( A and B) who live on the same floor, next to each other however A doesnt close the door( only have curtain or something like this). One day B sees A masturbating while calling for the B's name. That's all I remember. Thanks guys for helping me.

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