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I am definitely dominant. I couldn't even imagine being submissive. I always wonder why soo many people like being submissive lol. I just want to have all the power. XP ♡ Gladly my boyfriend is a cute M ♡

2017-01-13 02:19 marked

ohh! im a 19 year old american lesbian in a UC studying to become a neuroscientist !! started anime around age 11 and found out about yaoi like a year later so ive been into it for years and im really good at figuring out voices in blcd's

2017-01-12 02:58 marked

Going to join the short list of men here... 25, Male, Russian-American, Art Professor/Teacher's aid. I live on the coast of Maine. I've been reading yaoi for about 12 years.

2017-01-12 02:49 marked

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