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Prompto's experience ( All 0 )

Prompto's answer ( All 2 )

16 yr old boy from russia! i don’t know why i read so much yaoi, i have no interest in men _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): but i have been reading it since i was around 11.   2 reply
31 12,2017
Russia is pretty widely assumed to be a homophobic country, the dominant religion being orthodox christianity, but I've come out (as pansexual and gender neutral) to most all of my friends and family and they've been nothing but accepting. I'm not saying Russia is an absolutely accepting country LGBT wise, but my experiences have been pretty well.......   reply
09 01,2017

Prompto's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do discord server

Can you tell me the discord name?

3 hours
did what do you want in life

i want to be content with my place in the world for as long as i possibly can be.

18 hours
did staying single because of yaoi

what does this even mean like.. your yaoi boys are so significant in your life if oyu dated someone irl you would feel like youre cheating?

18 hours