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Zerozaki Soushiki's Humanity Test

Complete | nishio ishin | 2011 released
2015-12-23 18:45 marked

so did she lose her both hands or not? i'm kina confused righ now?

Tomodachi Ijou no Koto, Shitai.

Complete | KURAHASHI Tomo | 2015 released
2015-12-23 18:10 marked

Kanashi no Homura

Ongoing | MOTOMURA Eri | 2000 released
2015-12-19 18:11 marked

Egoistic Trap

Complete | uekawa kichi | 2013 released
2015-12-13 06:25 marked

Sekai Wa Amai Okashi De Dekite Iru

Ongoing | fuwa shinri | 2015 released
2015-12-10 04:14 marked

Mauri to Ryuu

Ongoing | Moto Haruhira,Moto Haruko | 2013 released
2015-12-06 16:47 marked

Santa (silyeong)

Complete | silyeong | 2015 released
2015-11-29 19:36 marked

Harami Bara

Complete | HASHIBA Mizu | 2000 released
2015-11-29 19:01 marked

Qishi Huanxiang Ye Manhua

Complete | Vivibear | 2009 released
2015-11-28 20:38 marked

Devils Line

Complete | HANADA Ryou | 2013 released
2015-11-28 18:06 marked

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