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Sam's experience ( All 0 )

Sam's answer ( All 9 )

You guys are such freaks. I wouldn't do anything except celebrate not having to buy pads anymore.   2 reply
19 07,2018
Many of the people I know are homophobic. It's whatever. They're still nice people.   reply
07 07,2018
It doesn't bother me much if it's not between the main couple but if it is then no   reply
22 04,2017
It's annoying but somehow everyone I know knows I read yaoi. My parents, my friends, my classmates I don't talk to, even my teachers. However most of my classmates are interested in idea of yaoi (especially the guys) and they constantly ask to borrow my yaoi novels and recommend them yaoi anime (⊙…⊙ )   1 reply
30 12,2016
im in my third year of Chinese in school and when I went to Japan last summer I was put in an intermediate level class. I'm currently self studying Korean and it's pretty hard but fun and useful. If anyone else is studying or wants to study Korean, please talk to me do we can motivate each other! 지금 한국어를 공부하고 있어요. 한국�......   1 reply
24 12,2016

Sam's question ( All 2 )

I'm entering my second year as baseball manager (⊙…⊙ ) it's hard sometimes but the guys are great and I'm proud of them (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Has anyone else managed sports teams like in anime? I've managed swimming and baseball and I might do basketball or soccer this year too!(⌒▽⌒)
05 07,2017
Do you prefer Japanese manga or Korean webtoons?
I personally started got into BL because of Japanese manga but as I grow older, I'm starting to prefer Korean Webtoons The characters are usually more mature and the setting is more realistic, the Seme usually doesn't try to rape the uke, the characters feel like real people and it's often funny in a natural way. The series usually lasts for a longer time compared to manga which tends to be shorter.I enjoy the full color and a major reason is that I know Korean so I can enjoy webtoons in the original language without having to wait for translation.

What about you guys? Which do you prefer and why?
08 06,2017

People are doing

want to do hate myself

i don't want to hate myself im too conceited

2 hours
did hate myself

I had no confidence, self esteem & had fear of failing so I never did what I wanted. Learned it possible to change if you work on it.

10 hours
did hate myself

Because I’m not good enough for other people (2)

10 hours