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ivy's manga / #fetish(19)

Uso Mitai na Hanashi Desu ga H

Complete | Koshino | 2010 released
2015-09-05 05:37 marked


Hot Closet

Complete | tamaquis wren | 2010 released

Haisha Nante Kirai da!

Ongoing | AIBA Kyoko | 2000 released

Nibiiro no Hana Gou

Complete | WATANABE Asia | 2000 released

-half-brothers first two chapters I thought: OK just smuttiest smut sex - but suddenly something like a plot + genre (dark, supernaturell, drama). I'm waiting for the next chapter... sequel (shota):

Venus ni Seppun

Complete | SADAHIRO Mika | 2010 released

⊙﹏⊙ now I urgently need - (I don't know) disney, fluff fluff, unichorns, lovey dovey, teddy..... second part:

Body Talk Paradox

Complete | panco | 2008 released

1) Scent Filled Days(funny) -NOT SCANLATED (╯︵╰,) Retsujou Fragrance (Sequel) 2-4) Body Talk Paradox(little drama-Tattoo Artist) 5) Love Sensitive(soooo cute) 6) Mad Synapse(comedy), clumsy

Oishii Otoko

Complete | TAKAKU Shouko | 2000 released

1-78) restarant boss x waiter/fetish/I'm not gay/clinging 79-137) sensei x sensei/ Glasses-Wearing Uke/reunion 138-145) student x student (Adapted From)

Beauty Stock

Complete | narazaki neneko | 2000 released

smex in front of a mirror/ long haired seme/ megane uke (Side Story) Anti-Flowers (not found)