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Travel To A Different Country

like 4 years ago when the end of the road was like ending and all the fucking ads were on youtube, I been reading webtoons/manga jus not gay ones also u should not ask people they age when majority of bitches on this site under 18 lol   reply
22 10,2023
the current age sneak is funny asl   1 reply
22 10,2023
When I was 2021 who you and bro what   reply
22 10,2023
why this lowkey feel like an interview though   1 reply
22 10,2023
not you asking for our current age   1 reply
22 10,2023
Also, what’s your current age?
22 10,2023
i'm totally with you on going for it!! it's a great opportunity, missing it will be really unfortunate. as for your question, best advice i can give is to steel yourself and communicate. even if she screams or gets angry, maintain calmness and talk in a level headed manner. ask her what her concerns are in detail, and assure her on all her worries......   reply
22 10,2023
Okay so as a part of my contract i have the opportunity to volunteer for 3 month in Asia with an ngo in 3 months (im thinking of Japan,Malaysia,Indonesia or Phillipines) which is gonna be an amazing experience to add in my resumé to apply for a master degree in fall 2024.
But I come from a traditional family (where girls don't usually leave the house if they're not married) AND my mom is the most anxious,scaredy cat I know.

To me there is no doubt that I cannot let this opportunity go, I'm gonna regret it or worse resent my mom. Also lol i knew she wouldn't agree right away and that now since i told her the news it's gonna be really tense everytime i'll mention it cuz common I know it's a mother's job to worry.
But my problem is that i'm a non-confrotational ppl pleaser and I lack a lot of confidence. Everytime I go against her wish i feel physically bad and stress even tho her wishes don't align with mine. And on top of that I second my decisions a lot bcz I don't trust myself.
I know I want to go, do you guys have any advice on how to not loose all resolve the minute my mom will talk (or scream) me out of going abroad ?
22 10,2023
Yellow 17 07,2021
I just googled it so dont take it to heart yet, better if you do some more detailed research Norway ofers free education for international students, but the living expences are really high In finland they only ask for money if you take english clases And in panama is also free for all, including international students There's also brasil but you ha......   1 reply
17 07,2021
I'm indian too. And I'm going through the same thing as you. You can try singapore too! I have no idea what I'm gonna do after 12th but here's some things I'm keeping in mind for applying to US colleges: 1. Extra curriculars matter a lot. So focus on doing something like that. A person with 90% marks with extra curriculars has a greater chance in......   1 reply
17 07,2021

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