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23 11,2020
I’ll keep this in mind next time my black ass gets arrested for existing   reply
23 11,2020
fingerblaster_800 23 11,2020
commenting so I can remember this in case someone frames me for being a terrorist   reply
23 11,2020
Kat 23 11,2020
I'll keep this in mind the next time I have to Hide the body   reply
23 11,2020
Put a dick in their mouth and spread them   reply
19 days
Babes 23 11,2020
Pro tip: If you ever get arrested, just pass out. Innocent or not, you can't be held accountable if you're unconscious ;)   reply
23 11,2020
small talk [Answer]
19 days
why do you feel like you have to engage in it in the first place. leave small talk to ppl who like it (me)   2 reply
19 days
Fairy core [Answer]
Lovergenic 26 06,2021
I only have a few pics im exploring some new styles   reply
26 06,2021
small talk [Answer]
19 days
pretend you have something to do. “sorry i have to go see my brother” “my bad, my next class is starting soon.” or you end the conversation yourself. If you see the small talk dying down say something like “it was nice talking to you” or “it was so nice talking to you after a long time!” then theyll get the hint to stop talking t......   reply
19 days
I'm dumb [Experience]
Yang (。•ᴗ-)✧ 28 08,2020
I thought you just misspelled proposal lmao   reply
28 08,2020
I need to pee [Experience]
23 days
I need to pee   2 reply
23 days

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