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3 days This made me shit tears from everywhere. My eyes my nose my mouth my ass It is so freaking good   reply
3 days
It's somewhat wholesome in a weird way   reply
3 days
Here's my ultimate favourite that fits the criteria: I read it years ago, then lost track of it but couldn't forget about it. It's so beautiful.   reply
3 days It's pretty short but it's a masterpiece and it moved me in a way that nothing else had for quite a while   reply
3 days
Ao no Flag/blue flag, amazingly well written, one of my favorite mangas that's romance. if you don't want any romance, no home is a manhwa you should totally read!   reply
3 days
I want to recommend a manga i read recently "Kotaete my drifter" Not sure if you'll like bl cause i read mostly bl but give it a try ig And if you like it then please try "Haruka tooki le"   reply
3 days
Sad wholesome comics to make me feel something :) I love bittersweet stories that make me cry. The manga Orange is the first book to make me ever cry. I love that story to bits and pieces. Please give me more beautiful stories to cry to.
3 days
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3 days
Yeah that checks out   reply
3 days
3 days
It is strangely worded, I'll give you that, it sounds damn near whimsical. I've never heard a trans person refer to transitioning as "turning into" like they're a werewolf on a full moon   1 reply
3 days
lmao It really depends on the person I'm interactin' with though. I'm a mildly infuriatin' menace to some people and an absolute childish mf with best friends. Insultin' you (playfully) is my love language but me being polite to you means I either don't like you enough to be goofy around you or we're total fuckin' strangers LMAO   reply
3 days

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