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Cooked And Burned Food

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03 03,2021
damn. that's all im gonna say   2 reply
03 03,2021
Gris 03 03,2021
So i'm gonna do some ballet? Btw this is my drawing lmao.   5 reply
03 03,2021
funny users [Answer]
onigiri 28 04,2021 This entire website is a joke   reply
28 04,2021
LMAO   1 reply
03 03,2021
Illswf 03 03,2021
Tryna hide ma feelings of course TT   reply
03 03,2021
damn aggressive??   reply
03 03,2021
Bad Habits [Answer]
OKAY IT'S SiMP O'CLOCK 19 11,2020
IT'S- procrastinating, commitment problems, bad time management, caring more for others than myself, not being able to talk to others easily, nervousness, unhealthy eating habits, staying up late, biting my lip unironically, overthinking, biting my nails, bad memory and lots more- FOR ME (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   1 reply
19 11,2020
yall better be ready, imma start rumbling.   reply
03 03,2021
funny users [Answer]
[DELETED] 28 04,2021
I swear if yall narcissistic asses link your own homepages...   4 reply
28 04,2021
03 03,2021

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