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Babe, everyone has insecurities about their body, but in the end its all about self love. Never say your disgusting because I know its hard facing and looking at your insecurities everyday, but I promise you, once you accept the fact that your Natural body is YOURS and no one else's, then everything will get easier. Now in Intimacy part, im not big......   reply
06 05,2020
Shii- say less   reply
24 11,2020
We will just be fucking vibing   1 reply
24 11,2020
My thighs. They're very jiggly and soft I always thought that they were way to big (all the other girls had small things) thus making me not wear shorts in extreme hot weather hahaha love it here! I don't wear shorts in public but I do love my th Another one is my arms I was wearing long sleeves bc my arms weren't it. Once I stopped wearing long s......   reply
29 07,2020
I'm mainly insecure about my hairy body, my back acne and I have a bigger gut than I'd like to have. In terms of non physical insecurities, I'm usually afraid that I'm exaggerating and dramatizing my emotions and anything I'm doing, overthinking my actions, and my social life which is currently not going very well because of other reasons. I just w......   reply
24 11,2020
Nah fam i aint gonna count my pictures again   1 reply
24 11,2020
I'm insecure about my height. I'm only 5ft and I'm a chubby girl. I'm also insecure of my belly, my arm fat and my thick legs. Sometimes I love myself despite all these but there are times that it will hit me how my body is unlike the idols on TV. Currently attempting to lose weight so I guess that's proof that I'm still insecure ahahhaha   reply
29 07,2020
Oh yes daddy! (literally)   1 reply
24 11,2020

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