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Fastest Time To Finish Anime

Sunbeam Baebe☀ 04 01,2024
Here's one I made just now Edward Scissors-hands walks out of a studio where people are holding auditions for a play, someone sees him and they say- "Guess he didn't make the cut!" *80's laughter*   reply
04 01,2024
04 01,2024
It's me, I'm the joke. LMFAOO JK(Not really) I'm not good at making jokes when I get put on the spot but I'm usually rly funny on my own time.   reply
04 01,2024
:p [Experience]
04 05,2021
i believe i finished a one cour anime!!   1 reply
04 05,2021
I don't think it's transphobic to have a genital preference cause isn't that's why there are a lot of sexualities? Unless you are discrimating against someone cause of their genitals or gender identity it's fine.   reply
08 03,2021
Definitely okay to have a genital preference but a genital preference doesn’t invalidate a trans persons identity or any persons sexuality. A straight girl who likes a trans man with no bottom surgery is still straight. A lesbian who’s into a trans woman who’s just on hormones is still gay.   reply
08 03,2021
yes it's ok   reply
08 03,2021
personally i think it's fine to have a genital preference because you're not hurting anyone and you can't just change that out of nowhere but i don't think it's okay to not date someone specifically because they're trans. like it's fine to be like "i don't wanna date you because you have *insert genital here*" but not like "i don't wanna date you b......   1 reply
08 03,2021
i am nonbinary not trans so i cant speak too much over trans people but not really... a lot of trans people also understand that you may not be attracted to their genitals and thats okay but the problem only comes in when u think that bcs someone doesnt have bottom surgery they arent a woman/man , u dont have to have bottom surgery to be trans! a l......   1 reply
08 03,2021
Call me stupid all you want, but what is genital preference?   2 reply
08 03,2021
it's not transphobic to have a preference. now, if you belittle them and make assumptions about them BECAUSE of their genitals, THAT'S transphobic.   reply
08 03,2021

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