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I'm a badass uke, which is me exactly. I just need that "Don't fuck with me seme" to complete this crime!..... but the sound of a chibi seme is also alluring.   reply
28 05,2021
it gave me clueless uke, which is weird because I scored a 70% dom on my BDSM quiz ( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
23 05,2021
i can't, y? ╥﹏╥   reply
23 05,2021
That took long...   reply
23 05,2021
Innocent Uke- I‘m actually a Seke and definitely not innocent   1 reply
22 02,2021
i don't understand this shit,seme??? I'm a bottom who wants to get light spanks   reply
22 02,2021
I always thought myself as switch but a chibi seme? Eeehhhhhok I You are a Chibi Seme You are the seme in disguise. Able to fit in and get along with uke and seme alike, you are able to get close to the uke on their level before exerting your dominance. This makes you at times manipulative and able to fool others about your true seme nature. Beca......   2 reply
22 02,2021
I'm clueless??   reply
22 02,2021
noooo i took the quiz twice and i kept getting opportunist seme but im more of a uke (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)   reply
22 02,2021
oh god even if its harmless manipulation, it's still creepy damnit i didnt want this   reply
22 02,2021

first kiss

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