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Jojowo 29 03,2018
Mine is I won't let them stay, but they sneak in and stay until their car is fixed and do the house chores naked as payment LOL. I think I would rather not receive that payment.   reply
29 03,2018
Hana 30 04,2017
my answer is from zodiac i will let them stay until their car is fixed for my name initial "when you're asleep, the blonde guy is creeping to your bed and bang you in the middle of the night".   reply
30 04,2017
30 04,2017
The page doesn't work for me so I don't have the slightest idea how the blonde looks like but apparently I won't let them stay, they sneak in and the blonde bangs me in the middle of the night..... ლ(´ڡ`ლ)   1 reply
30 04,2017

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