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The Mona Lisa

*fortnite dances* *fortnite dances* 2017-08-06 07:19:22 About painting
I once tried to recreate the Mona Lisa painting, through my digital art software, specifically Medibang Paint Pro, it took less alittle less than an hour, probably because I gave up half way through. I posted it on Deviant Art and immediately after posting it, I saw literally everything wrong with it, every, single, detail. I cried.


Kairashima August 6, 2017 11:18 am

(≧∀≦) I really like the way you made the eyes and nose. XD Idk why. I just do.

HANDARU August 6, 2017 7:41 am

But it is a really good try tho! Good work! It looks good.
I like to draw but it's super hard for me to do digital things.
Just try to don't give up the next time and do all the work even if it's hard or you aren't totally happy with the progress.



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