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Ok wow I've never noticed how unexplainably attractive that looks. Thank you ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ but I think slender guys can pull it off better! Damn, seriously, why is that attractive?? I'm so confused now edit: I've done a short research and have found only about women that like men in JUST compression tights. No shorts. Personally, I don't l......   2 reply
19 11,2016
I feel it depends on a case-by-case basis; it doesn't appeal to me on everyone. It really suite some, but not so much others in my opinion. That picture of Nie Li in TDG (amazing manga/LN!) though~ That's a good one! Nice product placement on the shoes, too ;) Then again, as a gay male, I feel qualified to say that he tends to look pretty good at......   1 reply
27 10,2016
Athletes tend to wear them to support their muscles, and prevent aches, and relieve pulled muscles. In Kuroko no Basket, and in Kaneki's case, it actually is really logical XD   2 reply
19 11,2016

first kiss

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