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Fantomeducouloir's answer page 1 (66)

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If I say nothing then will my aunt not bully me?   reply
06 01,2024
about question I've honestly never read a better manhwa in my life. Please give it a try. (Also the french collector edition is amazing I don't even mind having bought the print twice)   reply
26 11,2023
Was it KyoZaNa✿? Or, I Thot You Was A Toad? Now that I think about it, I haven't seen them in quite a while too... I hope they're well. Their summaries were always helpful to me when I wanted to start reading a new series.   1 reply
25 11,2023
Mangago removed the flag on the left, now you can't easily tell them about a bug or a fake upload, that kind of thing. I feel back then it was more participative. People seem to become less and less tolerant (but I guess that's everywhere on the internet) but at the same time they get offended for every little thing? My dude if you're out there ju......   1 reply
25 11,2023
about question
My grandpa, before Alzheimer's. I miss him so much.   1 reply
19 11,2023
Same, not only for BL tho. I don't mind so much when it's PWP (let's all be honest we don't read those for the inexistent story) but whenever there's even a thin story line I just can't appreciate it as much and end up dropping it   reply
01 10,2023
I can't stop reading and I forget to blink. I've effed up my eyes because of that, like I literally couldn't read anymore and had to guess the letters from the blurry shapes I could make out :/ My eyes are a little better now but I still feel the strain when I read for more than an hour (I used to read for 12, 14 hours straight).   reply
29 08,2023
about question
(Oh my, a normal question, those are so rare lol) I'm from France! What makes it amazing... Well, our healthcare system I'd say, and we've got some very nice places too with a great variety of climates and landscapes :) Ah, and France is also the greatest consumer of manga after Japan so that's paradise for otakus like me lol   reply
16 08,2023
Money doesn't buy happiness but it does buy food, water, a decent home, clothing, electricity, etc. Things that can be necessary to achieve your own happiness. I'm on your side in that debate...   1 reply
14 08,2023
Omg the answers are great I feel bad for answering seriously... French (fluent), English (fluent enough), German (understanding is okay, expression is bad but enough to hold a conversation with hand gestures), and I mostly understand spoken Italian and Flemmish. I mostly understand written Italian and Esperanto. Also I understand my sister and some......   reply
13 08,2023
about question
Hmmm well Mangafox's forums had closed down so I was in search of a website that would enable discussions. My sister had used Mangago for a while so I knew comments were an option there... So here I came. I stayed because of the comments and because of the homepage (it was fudging WILD back then, I miss those times)   reply
13 08,2023
about question
Usually to find raws I type the japanese name in Google Pics then scroll until I find a pic from the manga. Then I follow the links until I get to the chapter. It's tedious because sites that don't use the roman alphabet give a number to the series instead of its romanized name, but it usually ends up working. Back in 2014 I used senmanga, I don't ......   1 reply
21 07,2023
about question
OOH I love these kind of questions I've got a long ass list I hate: When the painting is tilted just a mm on one side and I can't fix it and make it symmetrical ASMR (seriously how can anyone like that?!) ^ everything commonly associated with ASMR, for instance chewing sounds, I can't even bear mine so I never eat if there's no noise around me That......   1 reply
12 07,2021
You should probably try to find another website. Advice: myreadingmanga is not a good idea for you.   reply
11 07,2021
about question
(France) 9/10 I like our democracy even though we do have issues and we are actually trying to fix these issues IF ONLY PEOPLE WOULD STOP TRYING TO FIX THEM THROUGH "RECOGNISING COMMUNITIES", seriously communautarism is exactly what we need to avoid to remain French and not have the same issues anglo-saxon countries have hhhhhhh   2 reply
04 07,2021
3 mm of white on the left hand and 2 mm of white on the right hand.   reply
24 06,2021
I was with some friends and they were roleplaying but I was tired so I just listened to them while they were creating the story and then one asked something and I answered. But I wasn't playing in this game so me answering him made no sense, so he asked "who the fuck said that" and I answered "C'est le fantôme du couloir" ("It's the ghost of the c......   reply
23 06,2021
Something I saw on the homepage once... Question : "everyone got A’s on my chem test and I got a ‘D’ it makes me sad because it might drop my grade by alot. i need some comfort :( " Answer : "Fuck another teacher if that D doesn't satisfy you"   1 reply
13 05,2021