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Hi, over here there’s people romanticizing rape, saying some dumbass shit that even I couldn’t understand, and then just some other stuff ugggg, I had to get my fucking calculator out. Also yes, this is from Discord.
8 photos
18 09,2020 created

B.B.'s other album


TearInMyTea September 23, 2020 11:24 pm

Hey just asking uhh can you put me in the screenshot pleaaaaaseeeee im boredddd make me seem like an asshole please hnnnng bully me daddyyyyyyyy

bunnysunbae September 23, 2020 11:22 pm

So you come into the server, tell us to die and saying homophobic slurs, and Eunice comes in dms telling us to stop making fun of straight people. And now you suddenly have Eunice's DM screencaps, and she's following you, and you have a bunch of random screenshots "exposing" us. Seems a little suspicious how that played out, huh?

bunnysunbae September 23, 2020 11:20 pm

Also romanticizing rape huh...seems interesting you have a problem with that (especially since we never did) considering Eunice has a whole LIST of manhwa and manga called “Rape

bunnysunbae September 23, 2020 11:14 pm

Remember when you got banned for saying the f slur in that exact server? And we made sarcastic jokes because of the slur, so you decide to take random out of context screenshots. The emojis should have given it away. Some of the screenshots literally SAY not to romanticize r*pe or their relationship.

TearInMyTea September 23, 2020 11:06 pm

Oh really have nothing better to do than stroke your own ego by making fun of others with out of context screenshots? Kinky...;) make fun of me daddy i bet you can’t because I literally dont give a single shit i cant believe you’re literally such a pussy that you wouldn’t even ask them if it was a joke or not so sad try harder next time hit people where it hurts like their daddy issues

hyunjins_hoe September 23, 2020 11:05 pm


amyahue September 23, 2020 10:57 pm

wow this is mad embarrassing. as i thought. eunice and big bro were teaming up huh. imagine siding with a dude who told us we should die, and called us fags. yet you preach about how terrible we are for making fun of straights. you're a whole ass clown baby. </3 couldn't be me.