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Love's in their genes! :D

KyoZaNa✿ December 3, 2014 1:26 pm

Although the mangaka made this unrequited love drama to be such a cute & funny theme. I still felt the deeply sadness of the characters. ●»«● Amazing Work! Somehow, it's as if their loves are in their genes, so it can be heredity to grandchild generation. HA+ (。^‿^。)v
BTW, Because of this manga, I found this related info by chance...
There's no word "Love" in early Japan. Natsume Souseki studies in England then became the greatest writer/teacher. In his English class he translated/described
"I love you." as "The moon is beautiful having you beside tonight."
Which made it even sadder seeing the Seme's humble grandpa confessed his love twice; before he died and when his lover were sleeping. (ಥ‿ಥ) Here..
