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For some odd reason...I want Waki to be with Rikiichi (both take turn aka seke) LOL :P Ma...

Me January 18, 2015 2:46 am

For some odd reason...I want Waki to be with Rikiichi (both take turn aka seke) LOL :P

Magane's cute, loyal, lively...but....still wish Waki would be with Rikiichi, lol
Too bad Rikiichi died, he's like Waki's soulmate or something.

My fav couple is Kotoha-Konoe, wish more about them tho

    TITANIA January 18, 2015 3:51 am

    hohoho my favorite couple:
    1. konoe x kotoha
    2. soui x x asari
    3. genma x himi