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So, first please feel free to ignore me I just wanted to show my true colours for a while ...

Anonymous May 24, 2015 9:48 pm

So, first please feel free to ignore me I just wanted to show my true colours for a while .I realised that I am a pervert an SSS rank pervert not your usual everyday pervert (you know the type that stares at kids in playground even though I actually do that) ,last year I had a math teacher he was around 37 but looked really young and he had an amazing ass in my opinion at least so for a whole year I kept thinking about touching it and I even dreamt about it (not a wet dream this is the real world not a yaoi manga) but sadly I couldn't because I was playing the role of a good girl then the term ended I was devastated the ass I always thought about was no longer there to make matters worse he moved to another city and I thought that I will never see that ass anymore then last year I was sitting a bus heading towards my sister's house and while I was in a daze listening to the viewfinder CD drama and while Aki was moaning in my head I saw it an ass that I know he was there standing next to me I wanted to say something but he noticed me first and he told me that he cane to attend his brother's wedding and when the bus was about to stop I stood and almost fell and involuntary grabbed him and his ass!!!!!(okay his lower back but that was more than I could dream of) then he was like are you okay! I said yes after groping you thr world seems fine the he said that I should be careful and and the I left . my dream came true !!! I'm happy but I wanted to say this to someone but I have no friends so here I am well thats all.

    Anonymous May 24, 2015 9:51 pm

    and then I can't even write well

    Anonymous May 24, 2015 10:27 pm

    That is seriously such a cute story! Im so happy you reached your dream and you had your moment (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ tears of joy for you from another pervert (me) ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Isobel May 24, 2015 10:33 pm

    LOL! You lucky girl!