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No matter how many times I've read this, I keep failing to pass it over every time I come ...

(^ •• ^) Piggeh! July 15, 2015 4:12 pm

No matter how many times I've read this, I keep failing to pass it over every time I come across, and end up re-reading it AGAIN, every single time! F...lying pigs! This is just too amazing of a story to be left alone! I know that it isn't everyone's cup of tea, so if you're wondering why I adore this manhwa, it's probably the fact that (would this be considered a spoiler? Dunno •_•) despite all the f..lying piggery that went down, these two inevitability ended up... Totally Captivated! *swoons*
And the several Djs that follow it? Chocolate on the cake! (No, not icing. Chocolate is more appropriate for these two. You'll see.. *q*)
