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If the wife knew about the affair and accepted it, which seems to be the case, because it ...

Palia October 9, 2012 6:27 am

If the wife knew about the affair and accepted it, which seems to be the case, because it was more of a business thing than a marriage, then the story is nice. I only object to the fact that Eto did not clarify this marriage issue from the start. How can someone trust a person who already lied to him? I couldn't do that. If he lied about that, even if it was a white lie or for love or whatever, he will obviously lie again when he seems it fit or convenient. That's what I think. So I guess I don't like it when there are lies involved, because I can't understand how tehre can be trust afterwards. I woudln't even forgive a doctor or family who don't tell I'm about to die. To that extent I hate lies. Whatever takes away your own choice under ther real circumstances is humiliating. So whoever lies to you is humiliating you, since he is taking away from from you the right to choose facing the truth. How can someone humiliate no less than the one he loves? So without the lies, the story would be fantastic.

    Mico December 17, 2016 4:21 am

    I agree with you. And Eto made it seem like his marriage wasn't a big deal. And never bothered explaining himself. You could say that Fumito made his bed, so to speak, when he chose to have an affair with a married man. But neither Miki or Edo told him anything and just expected him to celebrate after the surprise divorce and just go with flow again. And then he gets a condescending lecture from Miki. I like the story but all this irritated me.

    Ladyanime January 12, 2017 8:48 pm
    I agree with you. And Eto made it seem like his marriage wasn't a big deal. And never bothered explaining himself. You could say that Fumito made his bed, so to speak, when he chose to have an affair with a mar... Mico

    Sorry, but he did explain everything in the 1st and 3rd chapter