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Tyrant_king May 3, 2018 6:49 pm

Love the main characters! You can't hate them
They can reverse all they want, but Sho's body will always be the uke ahahahah I love the body role!
Am i the only one who personally really loved Sho? His personality wad awesome and his body is super cute. I love Kei as well though. His aloof and calm expression are gold! On one hand he is super cute and on the other he's also super cool. But my personal favorite is Sho He just made my day. I love energetic and goofy characters like him whl jas many expression. I hope they swith often so that Sho can embrace his beautiful body

Tyrant_king November 1, 2017 5:57 am

I hope Rise ends up with a good man, who can make her feel safe and loved, like Akamaru. Cause i don't want her to end up with Azusa. I also hope that Azusa ends up with good understanding girl. She doesn't need to be as kind as Rise, who likes to get along with everyone. She can be stuck up and confident and be as rudest narcissist girl, but i hope she's someone who would never get close to other man. She can be friends. But she knows how to make a line and she would always protect her first kiss and body, with all she has. She would never let Azusa feel jelous and dedicate herself to him, cause she would never want him, to feel anxious. Even if people spoke badly of her, she would raise her chin and laugh at them. She doesn't need to bear all the pain and be strong. When she's hurt she would tell him directly and she would make Azusa feel like he's the best man. She would recognize his hard work and always give him a pat in the head. Someone who wouldn't care even if his body is tainted and doesn't hesitate to say she likes him. She would see his pure and kind heart, amidst his confusingly cruel acts. And no matter what she will never give up on him. I don't want an oblivious girl, who unknowingly makes alot of guys fall for her. She would be someone so madly in love, she can't anyone but Azusa. She would cry for him, get angry for him, stick up for him. If Azusa leaves her, she would chase him and never get down. If Azusa pushes her away, she would grasp his legs and cry like a baby, until he tells her whats wrong. For someone like Azusa, he needs someone stupidly determined and hard headed. But i know, there wouldn't be someone like that.

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MikaBun (´ ∀ ` *) May 31, 2021 1:43 am

Legit go fuck yourself you like a child x adult

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