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RaveenXD created a topic of Go Away Romeo

This is such a good read! To hell with Romeo!! Petition to erase him from Verona!!

It has a unique story that'll keep you wanting to read for more. The FL's character is just perfect, but is it just me that noticed the ML's body a bit bulky in comparison to his VERY HANDSOME FACE?

Anybody else grinning like a child over here?
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄


RaveenXD created a topic of One Piece

Just when people were speculating that the ones coming where from the revolutionary army, and then BOOM! IT'S THE TEAM ELBAF!!! MY GOOOOOOOOD!!! GOD ODA NEVER FAILS!!!

RaveenXD created a topic of My Dear Aster

This story is majestic!!!!!! The love for her daughter, and how he accepted it wholeheartedly

RaveenXD created a topic of Kill the Villainess

We needed this. Thank you!!!!

RaveenXD created a topic of A Stepmother's Märchen

Our ship might be sailing sooner than we thought?
But oh Lord, I was reading this in public and I had to control the urge to scream ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

RaveenXD created a topic of Kill the Villainess


Just this line is enough to feed me for weeks meow.

RaveenXD created a topic of A Capable Maid

It started well but the ahole of a prince just kept on pushing his feelings without considering Marie's feelings. Like, calm down son.

RaveenXD created a topic of Kill the Villainess

When you read the spoilers and still cry like a baby when Anakin passed away (*꒦³꒦)

RaveenXD asked a question

It's a shoujo manhwa, wherein the FL is like a semi-saintess and the ML is a duke. And the antagonist female chara(the official saintess, a summoned one I guess) is a b*tch where she stole the ex-fiancé of the FL. ML is silver-haired.

I read it in a different site and forgot to bookmark it ˚‧º·(˚ ˃⌓˂ )‧º·˚

RaveenXD created a topic of Kill the Villainess

You the best boi ever ˚‧º·(˚ ˃⌓˂ )‧º·˚

Out of all the reincarnation series that I've read, this is by far the most realistic one that got me hooked. It tackles more than just parental love but also how mental health can really derange a person to oblivion.

As for our ML and his actions, perhaps it has to do with his upbringing. After all, he was raised in a very abnormal environment that lacks love in every kind of way, thus he wouldn't know how to deal with things.

RaveenXD add manga to list AaaaNew

A refreshing, unique villainess who's been dropped in the world of a novel, only to overthrow i...

  • Author: 뽕따맛스크류바,푸른칸나,Bbongdda mask ,Pureunkanna
  • Genres: Comedy / Drama / Romance / Webtoons / Fantasy