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Znah asked a question

Is there any transmigration genre that is similar to I Shall Live as A Prince

Thank youuuuヾ(☆▽☆)

Znah asked a question

Looking for a bl manga!!
I cant remember much about it
But i think the uke is blind and he always use yukata
The seme is in yakuza family iirc

Thank youuu(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Znah asked a question

Looking for a bl manhwa
The uke could see someone future in dreams
The seme is a coffee shop worker i think, and he has a tattoo in his hand like some kind of constellation

Thank you

Znah followed a goer

well what did i expect

03 10,2023
Znah created a topic of Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Is there some translated novel of this manhwa beside taninovel?
Thank you

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