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40 x 40 Chikuwa Kaigi (Yaoi)

R35ol (unou Sanou) 2019 released.
Vol.1 Ch.7
Vol.1 Ch.6
Vol.1 Ch.5
305 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

Eiji and Koichi are such good friends their colleagues think they’re dating. Since being roommates in the same dormitory some 20 years ago, they’ve gone through the same university, the same company, and living the married life under the same building. One day, they both find out that their wives want a divorce. While drunk and consoling each other, Eiji shares his troubles “down there” and it turns into a competition of who gets to make the other come first.

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Other manga by the same author(s)

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Vol.1 Ch.7

Mar 5, 2020

Vol.1 Ch.6

Feb 20, 2020

Vol.1 Ch.5

Feb 20, 2020

Vol.1 Ch.4

Feb 20, 2020


Jan 3, 2020

vol.1 Ch.2

Dec 20, 2019

Vol.1 Ch.1

Dec 6, 2019


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