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Freeter ga Jimini Isekai Teni suru manga

Amaou 2000 released.
Comedy / Fantasy
Part Time Otherworlder; フリーターが地味に異世界転移するマンガ
Vol.1 Ch.18 : Freeter and god
Vol.1 Ch.17 : Freeter and caat
Vol.1 Ch.16 : Freeter and photo
131 voted


Meet Tanaka. He’s a 26-year-old freeter — a guy who makes his living on various part-time jobs. He works in warehouses, directs traffic, and generally does whatever work he can find in order to get paid. However, recently Tanaka has had a problem. He occasionally is transported into another world, usually in front of people who need help. Knowing nothing, can Tanaka add another part-time job to his repertoire?

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