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GuruGuru Meguru

HATTA Ayuko 0 released.
Comedy / Romance / School Life / Shoujo
Guru Guru Meguru,
Vol.1 Ch.4 : [End]
Vol.1 Ch.3 : Vol 01
Vol.1 Ch.2
236 voted


From today, Meguru Kinosaki is a freshman in highschool. But it's not only that she hasn't had a first love yet; she's in fact a clean girl who's never been in touch with any guy apart from her older brother Toshiya. With this pure Meguru, her classmate Yuuma falls in love at first sight. He starts a determined attack, but the over-protective big brother blocks his way! Now Meguru's days start to turn around between a big brother with a sister complex and a pushy boy...!?

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Vol.1 Ch.4 : [End]

Jan 22, 2015

Vol.1 Ch.3 : Vol 01

Nov 2, 2014

Vol.1 Ch.2

Sep 22, 2013

Vol.1 Ch.01

Dec 3, 2011


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