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Guuzen Ka Unmei Ka

Minami Touko 2007 released.
Romance / Shoujo
偶然か運命か; Coincidence or Destiny; I Miss
Vol.1 Ch.5
Vol.1 Ch.4
Vol.1 Ch.3
89 voted


From Shinnen:
Ren-chan has a problem: Whenever the girl he confesses to begins to like him back, he gets tired of the relationship. This time, the person he likes is his friend, Ari. Ari agrees to go out with him, thinking that he'll get tired of it if s

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Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.1 Ch.5

Jan 14, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.4

Jan 14, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.3

Jan 14, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.2

Jan 14, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.1

Jan 14, 2011


People are sharing things

How can people take it on the ass???
Sometimes I wonder if pooping will be much easier after they done the tralala in yo butt o...
How can people take it on the ass???
Umm idk dude but as far I know google said we need to train it first.. not just with the l...
Let's get philosophical (to combat brainrot)
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✮⋆˙Mangago-ers Discord Server!
this server is so fun! we talk all the time and there's always a conversation going. MAKE ...
Let's get philosophical (to combat brainrot)
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People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

currently in one, its been 5-6 months, I dont think honeymoon phases exist bc this girl makes me feel like this all the time

10 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

Safe to say we are exes now lol.

13 hours
want to do fix sleep schedule

woke up incredibly early today just so i could reset it. also, if y'all still can't sleep, rain noise or ocean wave sounds slumber my ass sq

13 hours

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