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Heisei Busou Seigidan

YAMAGUCHI Takayuki 0 released.
Action / Mature / Seinen
Heisei Armored Justice Corps,Heisei Busoseigidan,
heisei busou seigidan (complete)
9 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

From Neptise Scans: Kamikaze Zero armors himself to fight off an extremely immoral group of bullies. All Yamaguchi Takayuki fans will love this. Like Cyber Momotarou, it's just one volume but has a continuous story instead of random standalones. I must put a warning on this one though. It's got nudity, violence, gore and a strange sort of sexuality going on throughout the entire thing. It's weird but from this guy, not something you'd be too surprised about.

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