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Hagiwara Kaoru 2001 released.
Comedy / Fantasy / Mystery / Shounen / Supernatural
87 voted


From Aestheticism:
A collection of 6 stories that Hagiwara Kaoru has done for various anthologies, such as "Stinger." Includes some full color pin-ups.

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Jan 9, 2018


Jan 9, 2018


People are sharing things

Have you ever thought of killing yourself?
I did when I was super young I don't want to suicide now tho just want to die like normal ...
Have you ever thought of killing yourself?
i started praying god to take me at six yo cuz i didn't wanna go on living anymore, it's b...
Have you ever thought of killing yourself?
i tried to kms 3 different times throughout my senior years of high school after my adopti...
Have you ever thought of killing yourself?
Rather than thinking of killing myself, back in high school i would often wish and want to...
Reborn in a new world or return to the past?
I just wanna start my life all over again but with my current memories so I dont do corny ...

People are doing

did how are u guys doing in school

great, all A's, grown closer to friends, still had some not so great moments that regret, just hoping for better next year

1 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

I'm still crying. I should've done better. I have so many regrets. I'm scared because I can't see my future. I'm high achiever yet I fell.

2 hours
did survived suicide

very not fun cause it hurt

7 hours

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